Below is an animated short called: The Dot and the Line: A Romance In Lower Mathematics, directed by Chuck Jones for Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios. The story was written and illustrated originally as a book by Norton Juster. The title is a reference to the story: Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott Abbott.
Artistically speaking, the animation visually demonstrates gestalt color interaction and geometric abstraction in an anthropomorphic and narrative format. The animation has a feeling of styles from Bauhaus, Expressionism, Hard-Edge/Geometric Abstraction, and Op Art. The animation also brings to mind artists such as Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers, Barnet Newman, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, and even a little Paul Klee.
Lighthearted artistic visual pleasure, and fun too. Without further adieu, please enjoy our feature presentation of: "The Dot and the Line."
And remember, "To the vector belongs the spoils!"
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