Nov 19, 2008

Kish's Kaleidoscope Wants You to Join!

Hey Artists and Art Appreciators!

I think the Art Department should get more input in the school paper. What better way to bring your suggestions and make a difference than to join the team?

Ideas like:
  • Kish Artist of the month profile (music, theater, fine arts)
  • A team of Kish Cartoonists comic page every week!
  • Better Publicity for student and Kish Art shows, receptions, lectures, and events, and performances
  • And more....good place to learn, meet people, and get experience!
Make your voice HEARD.

Message from Kaleidoscope Staff Below:


The Kishwaukee College Kaleidoscope Newspaper is looking for students who are interested in being part of the campus newspaper.

Take it as a class and get credit for it, or just join the staff and be part of the team. Learn how to put a newspaper together and write articles seen by the entire campus.

Get first hand experience in the world of journalism, right here at Kishwaukee College.

The Kaleidoscope Newspaper wants you!
  • Students with a knowledge of Mac Computers and In-Design
  • Sports writers
  • Graphic artists/designers
  • Photographers
  • Journalism majors
  • Writers
Have an idea? A suggestion? Stop by the Student Activities Office (B-100), email us at kscope@kishwaukeecollege, drop a note in our mailbox or talk with Melissa Blake, Kaleidoscope Advisor, or Matt Rainwater, Editor-in-Chief.


Checkmark said...

I need to get back on my comic. I've been outta wak since they said they didn't have room for me anymore three weeks or so ago. They said I could do them again, I think. I'll hafta find out.

Anyone else should do it too! For real!

Miles said...

What?! And they have room for Popeye or whatever other stuff they squeeze in? All the more reason for more artists to join the team.

E J A said...

i think an artist of the month would be a good idea, ive yet to meet anyone else in any of the other art classes. id help out witht he paper, but im not very good at comics, and it doesnt seem like they would appreciate illustrations vs. photography.

E J A said...

i think the artist of the month idea is good, ive yet to meet any of the artists outside my classes. id help out with the paper, however im not very good at comics, and it doesnt seem like the paper a[ppreciates illustration, vs. photography.

Checkmark said...

They removed all the comics because they're getting paid 200$ to place some big ad in the back instead.

Kinda lame.

Miles said...

Extremely lame.

Miles said...

Well, the more like-minded people on the paper, the more likely it will be the type of paper you want it to be, if you don't mind speaking up.