Nov 16, 2008

Rebellion and Art...What should come next?

The one thing that remains the same is that Art always finds a way change. Being Avant-garde is a part of keeping things fresh to preventing stagnation by finding ways of rebelling against establishments, and tradition. Dadaism was the most obvious rebellious movement within the arts, but each generation finds its own way of pushing society's buttons. Being avant-garde means pushing the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo, primarily in the cultural realm.

Have things gotten too corportate and cozy lately? If so, is that good or bad for art as we know it? What do you see as the role of art and rebellion today? Will it be hi-tech, low-tech, and what impact will it have on society and within the arts? What do you think will be the next new idea, bold experiment? Let's discuss in the comment section.

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